Wednesday, 27 March 2013

My New Home

My new blog is now here

this blog will still be open for archive, and also cross posts of any relevant  posts but if you want to see ALL my various topics go over to the new one!

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Writing Prompt: Write a letter to your 10 year old self

Dear Hayley,
This is your 28 year old self writing to you from the future- how cool is that?

Anyway, I'm writing to you to tell you that you won't always feel like you do now. Things will change. A lot. You won't always feel alone. You will probably always feel like a bit of a weirdo, perhaps even more so as you get older, but instead of feeling like this is a bad thing, you will learn to love your individuality and celebrate it and be proud of who you are, not try to hide it. One thing definitely won't change- you will always love writing!

You will make friends with some amazing people over the years, some won't be in your life for long, but every one of them will have a huge impact on your life and help you to discover more about yourself and who you want to become. In just a few years, you are going to meet someone really special who will be your best friend for a very long time, who will always be there for you in good times and bad, even when she lives a great distance away from you. All I will say about when you meet her is one word- panda! Believe me, that will make sense one day!

You will also fall in love, not once, but twice! The first time will be quite tough but it will help you to learn some important life lessons and to become an adult. The second time though, it will be more deep, and for keeps! You'll even get married and have the most beautiful wedding you can ever imagine, even better than you could possibly dream of, but I won't say too much about it, just know it will be one of the most perfect days of your life with everyone you want around you there.

You will become a wonderful, passionate person with strong beliefs and so many interests, you won't be too familiar with boredom! You will grow up to be an interesting and loving person, so even though it might not feel like it now, remember that you are special and things WILL get better, just wait and see!

I love you,
28 year old not so grown up Hayley

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Lifetime of Words

As you get older,
do the words grow colder?
what once came pouring out
now I'm lucky if I get the odd spout
looking back, it makes me feel proud
I wish my inspiration now could be so loud
The words would form beautiful patterns
Now I search for them like hidden treasure
Locked somewhere deep beneath
It's like to unlock them would be a forbidden sin
Come out, Come out, wherever you are
Wherever you are, surely you can't be far?


Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Year's Eve

Reluctantly opening my eyes
Dare I lift the cover yet?
The room is spinning
I hope this is the worst it will get

As the day goes on
Fragments of memories of last night return in a haze
No wonder my heads in a daze

Drinking that old friend Rum and Coke,
Getting kissed on the cheek by some bloke
Dancing to soul and motown
In a packed room, getting down

Going home
catching the end of Jool's Holland Hootenanny
feeling like my head's full of foam
setting the smoke alarm with cremated toast

welcome to two thousand and thirteen
it certainly started full of win
even though today I just want to sleep
I'm happy to have some drunken fun memories to keep

Happy new year everyone
I hope your hangover isn't as bad as mine
but I'm sure this year will be mighty fine.


Sunday, 30 December 2012

Moving towards 2013

another year, another end of year/beginning of next year blog!

Well I still didn't finish editing my novel I wrote in 2010, so that will be continued in 2013! I carried on writing a few pieces for websites, I did my first 'in person' interview this year with my favourite band Robots in Disguise! I also wrote a few book reviews. I wrote a few poems but not that many. I couldn't do NaNoWriMo this year due to moving house.

so in 2013, my writing goals are:
To finish that Novel at last!
To do more creative writing like poetry and stories
To write up any old writing I've got and finish anything I started but didn't finish
To write another zine as I didn't manage to write any this year.
To be a recognised name when it comes to writing.
To continue doing writing prompts once a week and to post the results.

Monday, 22 October 2012

A Rather Inspired weekend

3 poems written this weekend!

on friday...(19/10/12)
a small wish

I need the words back
the words I used to know
please bring them back to me
so holy and free
please help me to see
what's right in front of me
it's there all along
just learn the words to the song
beautiful words
where have you been
it's been so long
there's still more
it's hidden at the core
your base core
needs to identify
needs to verify
pen to paper
let it flow
let it go, let it out
you know it's in there
just set it free

on saturday 20/10/12

Breathe in, Breathe out
Goddess in, Goddess out
within and without
round and about
the Goddess breathes as we do
In and out
inside out, upside down
it doesn't matter which way we look
you won't find her presence in a book
she's in you, she's around you
searching your soul
making you whole.

Breathe in, Breathe out
Goddess in, Goddess out
Let's not forget our connection
as we search for the answers
to our soul seeking questions
she is I, and she is you
she is the sky, she is the sea
she is the spirit inside of me

come, won't you see
this mystical union is free
Goddess in, Goddess out,
I have no doubt.

Sunday (21/10/12)- Inspiration
Standing at the pearly gates
but this isn't Heaven
this is the blank, blank sheet
staring at me, teasing me
waiting for me to fill it
with juicy words
perhaps even men with swords
fairies, angels, vampires or even just ordinary people
waiting for me to direct their narrative

But I'm struggling to open the gate
and the page remains white
no words seem quite right
the lines blur
as thoughts start to occur
letters begin to form
and a new life is born.

The gate has been unlocked
and all I had to do is knock
the words have returned
like a long lost friend
what was once broken, is now on the mend
welcome back
I promise this time, I won't give you the sack.